Mike Kogan Honored at 12th Annual March of Dimes Joe Namath Celebrity Golf Classic

Mike Kogan Honored at 12th Annual March of Dimes Joe Namath Celebrity Golf Classic

Over 100 sport and entertainment celebrities participated in the 12th Annual March of Dimes Joe Namath Golf Classic held in Westbury, NY September 22nd.

Mike Kogan, President of Mike Kogan Consulting and Pinnacle Commercial Development is a Vice Chairman of the event, which he has participated in for the last 11 years of its 12 year run. Kogan, this year, was honored with the “Tommy Wilson Gift of Giving Award” for his tireless efforts on behalf of the March of Dimes and the Golf Classic.

Kogan received his award at the annual dinner which was held at course and had over 500 people in attendance. Of course, Joe Namath was on hand as well as Mike Greenberg, host of ESPN’s “Mike and Mike Show”, who was the MC.

The March of Dimes Joe Namath Celebrity Golf Classic raised over $1.2 million through this single, annual event.